
Kilimanjaro FAQs

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Kilimanjaro FAQs

Here we offer you Kilimanjaro FAQs list. We hope you will find it useful and to see you soon on your best Kilimanjaro trekking holiday ever!

What is the best time of year to climb Kilimanjaro?

You can climb any month of the year. At lower elevations, April, May, and November are quite wet while March and June are transition months. August and September are the coldest and driest months. January, February, July, August, and September are all popular climbing months.

Kilimanjaro FAQs

How long does it take to climb Mount Kilimanjaro?

Climbing Kilimanjaro is different for everyone, but most people take between five to nine days depending on the route and their level of fitness. There’s a caveat, though: those who spend only five days trying to acclimatize to the summit have the lowest success rate. The longer you spend climbing Kilimanjaro, the better chance you’ll have of summiting.

Is it hard to climb Kilimanjaro?

Just because Kilimanjaro is one of the most accessible mountains in the world doesn’t mean you shouldn’t work on getting your fitness levels up to snuff. I highly recommend that you do lots of training before your climb…otherwise, your body is going to get a beating when it’s time to climb! 

Focus on cardio and strengthening your legs, muscles, and joints. Strong legs are required to take you to the top, and cardio fitness is necessary for when the air starts thinning and you need to function better on less oxygen. The longer you give yourself time to prepare for the climb, the better. You should start your training regimen at least two months before you start your trek.

Cardio workouts like running and swimming will certainly go a long way to improving your overall health, but whenever possible, get out and start doing some hikes and hill-climbing!

If you’re an inexperienced hiker, you can start out slow and work your way up to longer, more challenging hikes. You should also practice hiking with some weight. Fill a daypack (10-12 lbs is a good weight), and hit the trails. By the end of your training, you should be able to hike up to six hours with slight elevation gain while carrying a weighted pack.

What Should I Pack to Climb Mount Kilimanjaro?

You can’t exactly pack for just one Kilimanjaro climate zone: you have to be prepared for all weather conditions and all possible situations, whether it’s the wet season or just generally colder than normal.

Follow a packing list. Make sure you get a packing list from your guide or expedition leader before you trek Kilimanjaro, and follow that list strictly. If it’s on the list, it’s definitely something you’ll need!

Wear sunscreen and sunglasses. You’ll need sunscreen at lower altitudes, but you will definitely need full protection at the higher altitudes! Sunglasses are also vital for when you summit, as the sun’s glare on the snow may cause snow blindness.

How much money does it cost to climb Kilimanjaro?

It can cost anywhere between $1,400 to $7,000 to climb Kilimanjaro. An unlicensed guide may offer you less money, but I recommend climbing Kilimanjaro with someone legit. Don’t risk it. The cost of your trip covers everything from camp cooks to porters to guides, so it’s well worth the money.

If you liked our Kilimanjaro FAQs, you may also like our MOUNT KILIMANJARO CLIMBING PACKAGES.

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If you liked our Kilimanjaro FAQs List and found it useful, you may also like our MOUNT KILIMANJARO CLIMBING PACKAGES.

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